Friday, August 28, 2015

Whole Living

I took time out of my day to sit in my favorite park in town and simply take in the day.  The unseasonably cool weather of late has been nothing short of perfection for those of us who don't really enjoy the heat and loathe the cold.  As I sit, I wonder about what the essence of whole living requires of us.  To live a whole life requires of us a commitment to taking in all that life brings our way.  Much like the idea of resting with our life situations, living wholly calls on us to embrace our life as meaningful.  It suggests that we become unabashed in our pursuits of making life all that we want it to be.  Being committed to whole living doesn't come without price, but the price is so small in regards to the return on the investment.  To live wholly we must commit that we are serious to accepting life as it unfolds and in doing so we are willing to make the necessary changes to allow life to grow exponentially.  A wholly lived life will become so rooted in the notion that life is a gift that it will be received with the excitement of the greatest surprise party in the world.  I'd be remiss to say that every day when we wake up we throw on our party hats and dance in our own conga line---no, whole living means that even on the days when the helium is out of the balloon we realize our gift of life is richer on those days than any other.  To live with such zeal is daring-it is also freeing.  We are whole when at the moment we realize we are living for for the experience of living and for the lessons such living will give to us.

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